Governmental Advocacy Committee
Charge: The Board of Education of the City School District of New Rochelle hereby authorizes the creation of the Governmental Advocacy Committee for the 2022-2023 school year to lead the creation of the Advocacy Plan, to determine district priorities that need support from our elected officials in conjunction with District Administration, to meet with elected officials and their offices to learn more about how to collaborate and work towards our priorities and design, plan, and implement in-District advocacy programs & events in conjunction with District Administration.
Adina Berrios Brooks, Chairperson
Katie Castellano Minaya, Member
Meetings: Designated Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. City Hall, Carew Room
Policy Committee
Charge: The Policy Committee for the 2022-2023 school year was created to assist the full Board of Education in identifying, evaluating and monitoring Board policies related to internal Board of Education procedures and operations, and bylaws, and any other policies that may need to be reviewed and approved timely by the Board.
Valarie Williams, Board of Education Member, Chairperson
William Iannuzzi, Board of Education President, Ex-Officio
Millie Bonilla, Clerk and Secretary to the Board of Education
Emily Lucas Esq., District Counsel, Ingerman Smith
Meetings: Not open to the public

New Board Member Orientation Committee
Charge: The Board of Education of the City School District of New Rochelle hereby authorizes the formation of a New Board Member Onboarding Committee for the 2022-2023 school year to review current onboarding practices and recommend new onboarding procedures.
William Iannuzzi, Chairperson
Valarie D Williams, Member
Meetings: TBD
Please also see information about Board-created District Committees:
SAVE Committee- https://www.nred.org/o/nrps/page/safety-security-2023
RESCUE Committee- https://www.nred.org/page/health-safety
Green Schools Committee- https://www.nred.org/page/green-schools-committee