An email address, covidquestions@nredlearn.org, has been established to answer COVID safety questions from the community. A response will be provided in as timely a manner as possible.
The safety protocols listed below reflect the most up-to-date “best-practice” guidance recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the New York State Education Department, and the New York State Department of Health. These practices include input from, and are approved by, the City School District of New Rochelle Interim Medical Director, Dr. Louis Corsaro.
The internal COVID team continues to monitor local infection and vaccination levels in New Rochelle and will review protocols and practices on a monthly basis and as health data change.
COVID-19 Safety Protocols (Effective April 1, 2024)
Protocolos de seguridad COIVD-19 (Efectivo el 1 de abril de 2024)
Guidance for Students Who Have Signs or Symptoms After COVID-19 Vaccination
Here are resources to help you navigate the uncertainty:
How to Talk to Your Anxious Child or Teen About Coronavirus
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)
Supporting Families During COVID-19
The Child Mind Institute
What You Can Do
American Psychological Association
New York State Resources
Office of Mental Health Emotional Support Helpline: 1-844-863-9314. The Emotional Support Helpline provides free and confidential support, helping callers experiencing increased anxiety due to the coronavirus emergency.
City School District of New Rochelle Support Helpline: (914) 336-7800
Advice from the Westchester County District Attorney's Office: Parents are urged to be extra vigilant about their children’s online and mobile activity on social apps. Children, especially those in their tweens and teens, may be at increased risk of cyber bullying, sexual exploitation, scams and other forms of digital abuse.